Palatalization and consonant-vowel interactions

Basic facts and terminology

Basic facts: hard and soft consonants

Hard Soft Source Example
t d n l c ɟ ɲ ʎ *Cj coalescence Svk žena ‘woman’ ≠ baňa ‘mine’
Secondary palatalization Cz prst ‘finger’ ≠ prsť ‘soil’
Cz když ‘where’ ≠ divný ‘strange’
p b t d s z pʲ bʲ tʲ dʲ sʲ zʲ Secondary palatalization Uk pit ‘sweat’ ≠ myt’ ‘moment’
n l nʲ/ɲ lʲ/ʎ Secondary palatalization Uk den’ ‘day’ ≠ son ‘dream’
*Cj coalescence Uk kin’ ‘horse’

Basic facts: velar palatalizations

Process Change Example Gloss
First velar palatalization k g x > č ž š / _i e ě ь BCMS muka ~ mučiti ‘torment’ N ~ INF
Cj coalescence sj zj > š ž Po zwisać ~ wiszę ‘hang’ INF ~ PRS.1SG
tj dj > various outcomes Ru xod ~ xožu ‘walk’ N ~ PRS.1SG
P chód ~ chodzę
BCMS rod ~ rođen ‘kin, birth’ ~ ‘born’
Bu rod ~ rozhden
Second velar palatalization k g x > c dz š/s BCMS ruka ~ ruci ‘hand’ NOM ~ DAT

Key alternations and examples

Alternation Example Gloss
Surface palatalization P kosa [s] ~ kosić [ɕ] ‘scythe’ ~ ‘mow.INF’
Ru korm ~ kormit’ [mʲ] ‘feed’ N ~ INF
First velar palatalization Ru muka ~ mučit’ ‘torment’ N ~ INF
BCMS jak ~ jači ‘strong’ POS ~ CMP
Transitive palatalization P kosa [s] ~ koszę [ʂ] ‘scythe’ ~ ‘mow.PRS.1SG’
BCMS ljut ~ ljući [tɕ] ‘angry’ POS ~ CMP
P chód [d] ~ chodzę [d͡z] ‘walk’ N ~ PRS.1SG
Labial iotation Ru korm ~ korml’u ‘feed’ N ~ PRS.1SG
BCMS glup ~ gluplji ‘stupid’ POS ~ CMP
Second velar palatalization Bu vъlk ~ vъlci ‘wolf’ SG ~ PL
P rąka ~ ręce ‘hand’ NOM ~ DAT

The problem of /y/ and velars

In most languages that distinguish them in principle, [i] and [ɨ] are in complementary distribution:

  • [i] after soft consonants and syllable-initially
  • [ɨ] after hard consonants including the unpaired postalveolars č ž c dz
Sequence Russian Polish Ukrainian
ti di marginal
tʲi dʲi ✓ (basically)
tɨ dɨ
ki ɡi
kʲ ɡʲi
kɨ ɡɨ restricted restricted
tɛ dɛ marginal
tʲɛ dʲɛ restricted
kɛ ɡɛ restricted restricted
kʲɛ ɡʲɛ

Surface generalizations for Russian and Polish:

  • Both [i] and [ɛ] prefer to follow soft consonants
  • [ɨ] only follows hard consonants
  • General tendency to neutralize [k ɡ] ~ [kʲ ɡʲ] before [i ɨ ɛ] — but to maintain [t d] ~ [tʲ dʲ]

The analysis of /i/ and /y/

Analysis of Russian [pɨl] ‘ardour’, [pʲil] ‘drink.PST.SG.M’, [pɨlʲ] ‘dust’
Consonant Word-final Before /i/
Hard /pil/ [pɨl]
Soft /pilʲ/ [pɨlʲ] /pʲil/ [pʲiɫ]

Consonant palatalization in generative phonology

What needs an account?

  • Front vowels generally follow Cʲ
  • C and Cʲ can contrast when there is no following front vowel
  • There hard → soft alternations before front vowels
  • After surface hard consonants, we only find [ɨ]

The generative approach

The foundational hypothesis of Slavic generative phonology

A large proportion of Slavic morphophonological patterns can be explained if soft consonants always derive from hard consonants followed by a front vowel

As we discussed yesterday, all kinds of alternations are produced by the single mechanism of phonological rule. On this basis, generative phonology can use morphophonological alternations to posit rules and ‘unspool’ them to recover abstract underlying representations.

Two kinds of /i/

Some derivations of *mǫk- ‘torment’ and *xod- ‘walk’ in Russian and Polish
Language Item Infinitive suffix Nominative plural
Russian xod xodit’ [dʲi] xody [dɨ]
muka mučit’ muki [kʲi]
Polish chód chodzić [d͡ʑi] chody [dɨ]
męka męczyć męki [kʲi]
Synchronic derivation of the Russian forms
Rule /xod-itʲ/ /muk-itʲ/ /xod-ɨ/ /muk-ɨ/
Velar palatalization mučitʲ
Post-velar fronting muki
Surface palatalization xodʲitʲ mukʲi

Getting the complementary distribution

There is still a problem with the Polish.

Predicted derivation for Polish cognates
Rule /xɔd-itʲ/ /mɛNk-itʲ/ /xɔd-ɨ/ /mɛNk-ɨ/
First Velar Palatalization mɛNčitʲ
Post-Velar Fronting mɛNki
Surface Palatalization xɔdʲitʲ mɛNčʲitʲ mɛNkʲi
Minor rules xɔd͡ʑit͡ɕ mɛnčʲit͡ɕ mɛŋkʲi
Predicted surface form xɔd͡ʑit͡ɕ mɛnčʲit͡ɕ xɔdɨ mɛŋkʲi
Actual surface form mɛnt͡ʂɨt͡ɕ

The backness switch

Better derivation for the Polish forms
Rule /xɔd-itʲ/ /mɛNk-itʲ/ /xɔd-ɨ/ /mɛNk-ɨ/
First Velar Palatalization mɛNčʲitʲ
Post-Velar Fronting mɛNki
Surface Palatalization xɔdʲitʲ mɛNkʲi
Postalveolar hardening mɛnčitʲ
Retraction mɛnčɨtʲ
Minor rules xɔd͡ʑit͡ɕ mɛnt͡ʂɨt͡ɕ xɔdɨ mɛŋkʲi

Further developments

Taking the system further

The basic recipe for analysing palatalization:

  • Soft consonants come from following front vowels (or glides)
  • If a vowel has a softening effect, it must be underlyingly front
  • If a vowel does not have a softening effect, it must be underlyingly back
  • Rule ordering will keep us straight

Regressive palatalization revisited

Languages like Czech show coronal → palatal alternations before some, but not all, front vowels

Softening and non-softening suffixes in Czech
Context Non-palatalizing Palatalizing
Morpheme-internal když [di] ‘where’ divný [ɟi] ‘strange’
Adjective inflection pěkný [ni] ‘beautiful.NOM.SG.M’ pěkní [ɲi] ‘beautiful.NOM.PL’
Nominal inflection hradem [dɛ] ‘city.INS.SG’ hradě [ɟɛ] ‘city.LOC.SG’

This can be accounted for by positing back underlying vowels with subsequent fronting

Analysis of Czech i vs y
Rule /pjɛkn-ɨː/ /pjɛkn-iː/
Palatalization pjɛkɲiː
Vowel fronting pjɛkniː


In general colloquial Czech, y is realized [ɛj]. Does this matter?

Tackling unexpected softness

Some Russian verbs
Infinitive PRS.1SG Imperfective Gloss
lʲez-tʲ lʲez-u -lʲezatʲ ‘clamber’
ɡrɨz-tʲ ɡrɨz-u -ɡrɨzatʲ ‘gnaw’
žečʲ žɡ-u -žɨɡatʲ ‘burn’
ža-tʲ žm-u -žɨmatʲ ‘press’
ža-tʲ žn-u -žɨnatʲ ‘reap’
mʲa-tʲ mn-u -mʲinatʲ ‘knead’
ras-pʲa-tʲ ras-pn-u ras-pʲinatʲ ‘crucify’
Analysis of surface [Cʲa]
Rule mIn-tʲ mIn-u mina-tʲ
Surface Palatalization mʲIntʲ mʲInu mʲinatʲ
Nasal vowel formation mʲĩtʲ
Vowel deletion mʲnu
ĩ → a mʲatʲ
Softness assimilation mnu
  • Armed with this idea, we can tackle other cases of unexpected softness, even when there are no alternations
    • [mʲaso] ‘meat’ ← /minso/
    • [lʲubʲitʲ] ‘love.INF’ ← /leubitʲ/

Tackling unexpected hardness

  • In Polish, some /e/-initial suffixes trigger Surface Palatalization of non-velars; they usually trigger 1VP or 2VP for the velars
Suffix Non-velars Velars
LOC.SG pas-ie [ɕ] ‘belt’ rzec-e [t͡s] ‘river’
V stem łys-ieć [ɕ] ‘go bald’ droż-eć [ʐ] ‘become dearer’
  • When they do not, they do trigger Surface Palatalization of velars
Suffix Labials Coronals Velars
INS.SG tłum-em ‘crowd’ pas-em ‘belt’ krok-iem [kʲ] ‘step’
ADJ.DAT.SG.M grub-emu ‘fat’ bos-emu ‘barefoot’ wielk-iemu [kʲ] ‘big’
ADJ.GEN.SG.M grub-ego bos-ego wielk-iego

How far can we go?

Possible analysis without underlying front-back contrasts
Morpheme Labials Coronals Velars UR
Czech INS.SG dub-em ‘oak’ hrad-em ‘city’ rok-em ‘year’ /-ɛm/
LOC.SG dub-ě [bj] hrad-ě [ɟ] roc-e [t͡s] /-jɛ/
BCMS ACC.SG rib-u ‘fish’ crt-u ‘line’ drag-u ‘bay’ /-u/
INS.SG krvlj-u [vʎ] ‘blood’ smrću [t͡ɕ] ‘death’ /-ju/
BCMS NOM.SG.M grub-i ‘rough’ tvrd-i ‘hard’ jak-i ‘strong’ /-i/
CMP grublj-i [bʎ] tvrđ-i [d͡ʑ] jač-i [t̪͡ʃ̪] /-ji/

Bulgarian plurals

Two types of [i] in Bulgarian
Gender Number Labials Coronals Velars UR
Feminine SG riba ‘fish’ rana ‘wound’ dъga ‘arc’ /-a/
PL ribi [b(ʲ?)] rani [n(ʲ?)] dъgi [gʲ] /-ɨ/
Masculine SG zъb ‘tooth’ elen ‘deer’ vъlk ‘wolf’ /-∅/
PL zъbi [b(ʲ?)] eleni [n(ʲ?)] vъlci [t͡s] /-i/


  • The standard analysis of Slavic in early generative phonology assumes highly abstract representations and complicated derivations that largely reproduce diachrony
  • The aim is to capture as many generalizations as possible within the phonological component
  • The distinction between soft and hard consonants can be derived from the backness of following vowels in underlying representations
  • This is seen as economical: storage is expensive, computation is cheap
  • Conversely, differences in morphemes’ behaviour with regard to palatalization are encoded in the featural make-up of their segments


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