Synchrony, diachrony and the life cycle

Plan for today

  • Anachronisms in Slavic phonology
  • Stratal Phonology and Slavic phonology
  • Slavic phonology and the life cycle of phonological processes

Anachronisms in Slavic phonology

What do I mean?

My main claim is that the traditional generative approach to Slavic phonology has led to numerous anachronisms, which may or may not prevent us from making progress.

BCMS yers, part I: accents

The classical Neo-Shtokavian system contrasts four accents:

Neo-Shtokavian Common Slavic Example CSl Russian
Long falling Circumflex on heavy syllable grȃd ‘town’ *gȏrdъ górod
Neoacute on heavy syllable sȗd ‘judgement’ *sǭdъ̀ súd
Long rising Long vowel with retracted stress tráva ‘grass’ *trāvà travá
Short falling Stress on short vowel kȑvlju ‘blood.INS’ *krъ̀vьjǫ króvju
Acute (shortened in BCMS) krȁva ‘cow’ *kòrva koróva
Short rising Short vowel with retracted stress dàska ‘plank’ *dъskà doská

The classical analysis goes back to — no prizes for guessing — Jakobson, this time (1931; 1963). It goes like this:

  • Stressed syllables with falling accents are word-initial, in the absence of a high tone on any other syllable
  • Stressed syllables with rising accents by definition precede a H-toned syllable, which can be anywhere in the word
  • Therefore, stress is predictable from tone

BCMS yers, part II: pre-yer lengthening

Acute Circumflex Light syllable
rȁk rȁka ‘crab’ dȗb dȗba ‘oak’ bȏg bȍga ‘god’
grȁd grȁda ‘hail’ grȃd grȃda ‘city’ tȃst tȁsta ‘father-in-law’
dlȁn dlȁna ‘palm’ sȋn sȋna ‘son’ pȇć pȅći ‘oven’

Toneless short vowels lengthen in monosyllables, potentially to compensate for the loss of the yer1

UR bog-ъ bog-a grád-ъ grád-a
Vowel lengthening and footing [(boog)ъ] [(boga)] [(grád)ъ] [(gráda)]
Yer deletion boog boga grád gráda
Default tone assignment bóog bóga grád gráda

So, what’s your problem?

Isn’t all that evidence for the presence of yers in underlying representations?

That is usually how it’s argued, and the presence of abstract underlying vowels across Slavic is taken to support positing them for BCMS


  • There is only yer quality in BCMS (usually [a])
  • There is no evidence from consonant patterning for more than yer
  • BCMS vowel-zero alternations are mostly predictable as insertion

Where does this leave the analysis of accents?

Yers and palatalization

  • Another very common use for yers — including multiple yers — is the triggering of palatalization
Preceding consonant -ъkAdj -ъkDim -ьc-
Non-velar gad-k’-ij ‘abominable’ vod-k-a ‘vodka’ lov’-ec ‘catcher’
Velar m’ag-k’-ij ‘soft’ ruč-k-a ‘handle’ lž-ec ‘liar’

Yers and palatalization redux: Polish

As we saw, this extends to Polish, where the yer is always [ɛ] on the surface.

Rule pEsO ‘dog’ sOnO ‘dream’ gOzO ‘gadfly’
Palatalization pʲEsO
Lower pʲɛsO sɛnO gɛzO
Yer deletion pʲɛs sɛn gɛz
Palatalization II gʲɛz

Rubach (1993): BCMS may need two yers to account for alternations like strah ‘fear’ ~ strašan ‘frightful’

What’s your problem?

  • General issues with vowel power
  • Softening suffixes do not have to start with front vowels…
Palatalizing suffixes without a front vowel (Russian examples)
Stem Unsuffixed Suffixed Note
‘thief’ vor vor’uga ‘AUG’
‘ice’ l’od led’anój ‘ADJ’ For the vowel quality, cf. peščánɨj ‘sandy’
‘cow’ korova korov’ónka ‘DIM’
  • … or to have any vowels are all
Zero palatalizing suffixes (Russian examples)
Stem Non-palatalized Palatalized
‘net’ set-k-a s’et’
‘root’ kor’en-ast-ɨj ‘thick-set’ kor’en’
‘salt’ sol-onka ‘salt shaker’ sol’

Already Worth (1972): Russian possesses a non-segmental palatalizing morphophoneme

Summing up the problem

Many of the abstract URs we generally take for granted are not sufficiently well justified

  • Circular argumentation
  • Incomplete coverage of the data
  • Implausible, or at least poorly justified, appeal to cross-Slavic comparison
    • BCMS yers
    • Bulgarian underlying /ɨ/
    • Two abstract yers in Polish
    • Russian palatalization by front vowel

Towards a solution

Rethinking /ɨ/

/ɨ/ /i/
[-back] [+back]
No surface palatalization of non-velars Surface palatalization of non-velars
Surface palatalization of velars (via post-velar fronting) First velar palatalization
Inflectional and derivational suffixes Derivational suffixes

What are we missing?

  • Suffixes that trigger surface palatalization of both velars and nonvelars:
    • Russian ber’i ‘take.IMP.2SG’, bereg’i ‘protect.IMP.2SG’
    • Russian kos’é ‘scythe.LOC.SG’, ruk’é ‘hand.LOC.SG’
Rule /(po-ruk-i)-ti/ /(ruk)ɨ/ /(ruk)ě/
Cycle 1 Velar palatalization (po-ruči)-ti does not apply
Cycle 2 Post-velar fronting ruki
Surface palatalization rukʲi rukʲe

The take-away

Even with the traditional account, we must have different grammars of palatalization in different morphological contexts

This is the insight in Lexical Phonology (Pesetsky 1979), Derivational OT (Rubach 2000), and Stratal OT (Blumenfeld 2003)

An alternative: no /ɨ/ in Russian?

What are the salient properties of /ɨ/?

  • It does not palatalize non-velars → behaves as [\(+\)back]
  • It triggers palatalization of non-velars → behaves as [-]back but only in later strata

What are the salient properties of /i/?

  • It triggers 1VP → behaves as [-back] but only in earlier strata
  • It triggers surface palatalization → behaves as [-back], at least apparently

What are the salient properties of the palatalizing morphophoneme?

  • It is mostly restricted to Level 1 derivation
  • It triggers 1VP: kol’co ‘ring’ ~ kol’čuga ‘chain mail’
  • It triggers surface palatalization: x’itrɨj ‘cunning’ ~ xitr’uga ‘trickster’

The generalization

These are the suffixes of Russian

  • Level 1:
    • 1VP + surface palatalization of non-velars
    • No softening
  • Level 2
    • Surface palatalization of velars, no softening of non-velars
    • Surface palatalization of all consonants, including velars

There are two sources of softening in Russian

  • A floating [-back] autosegment
  • The [-back] specification of a vowel

This is the grammar of softening in Russian

Level Softening source Effect Traditional analysis
Level 1 Floating /’/ 1VP + SP Front vowel
Inherent [-back] Inert Back vowel, notably /ɨ/
Level 2 Floating /’/ SP across the board Front vowel
Inherent [-back] SP of velars /ɨ/ with post-velar fronting
Reanalysis of the Russian forms from Tuesday
Level Rule /(xod-ʲi)tʲ/ /(muk-ʲi)tʲ/ /(xod)-i/ /(muk)-i/ /(ruk)-ʲe/ /(kos)-ʲe/
Level 1 /ʲ/ softening xodʲi mučʲi
Level 2 /ʲ/ softening rukʲe kosʲe
/i/ softening mukʲi
Output xodʲitʲ mučʲitʲ xodi mukʲi rukʲe kosʲe

Possible objections

Don’t you still have to back the [i] in xodɨ ‘walk-PL’?

No! Russian [ɨ] is in fact [ˠi] — a front vowel with strong velarization of the preceding consonant causing a low F2 transition (Padgett 2011).

Incidentally, this also means that [ɨ] after postalveolars is also really [i]: there is no phonological rule of backing

All /e/-initial suffixes are softening, but none are like traditional /ɨ/: in your system, they are all /ʲe/. Isn’t that a missed generalization?

Yes, there is nothing preventing us from having an /e/-initial suffix that only does surface palatalization of velars. There are none like that in Russian, but they exist in Polish or Slovak, and have indeed been analyzed with /ɤ/. This looks like an accident of history, because it is.


  • Once we make full use of the stratal structure and the division of labour, we can understand the multiple palatalization processes without proliferation of extrinsically ordered rules and abstract URs
  • Very similar conclusions can be drawn for Polish (Gussmann 1992; Zdziebko 2015)
  • Future work (by you?): extend this to Bulgarian, BCMS (see Morén 2006), Ukrainian, Slovak…

Rounding off: the life cycle

The life cycle of phonological processes

The life cycle of phonological processes

The life cycle of /ɨ/

In Modern Standard Russian, velars basically cannot be hard before [e i] — because of the rule /ki gi xi/ → [kʲi ɡʲi xʲi]

This rule does not apply across word boundaries: K’ir’e ‘Kira.DAT’ ≠ k Irʲe ‘to Ira.DAT’. It has undergone domain narrowing.

Two predictions follow

  • At an earlier stage, palatalization of velars before [i] must have applied across word boundaries

This is attested, for instance in Northern Russian vernaculars (Kalnȳn’ & Maslennikova 1981:69)

  • Velars do not have low F2, so phonological [ki] (across a word boundary) will not be realized as [kˠi]

This is exactly what we find in Modern Standard Russian (Knyazev 2012)

Further extensions

  • Polish is ahead of Russian
    • Merger of [Cˠi] and [Cɨ]
    • Palatalization of velars by front vowels blocked across some morphological boundaries — further ahead in domain narrowing
  • Other phenomena: see recently Dyachenko, Pronina & Knyazev (2024) on the stabilization of dissimilative vowel reduction in Russian vernaculars


Summing up

  • The traditional generative approach to Slavic phonology is in many ways ripe for a re-examination
    • Less abstract URs and poorly motivated pan-Slavic argumentation
    • More attention to exceptions and morphological embedding
    • Stratification and the life cycle as useful heuristics — or explanatory tools


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