Mid vowel alternations

Plan for today

  • Mid vowel alternations and why they matter
  • Mid vowels alternations in Russian: phonology or morphology?
  • Extending the analysis: Polish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian
  • Morphology vs. the standard generative approach

The basic pattern

Common Slavic vowels

Height Front Central Back
High i y u
High reduced ь ъ
Mid ě e ę o ǫ
Low a

Relevant processes

  • Mid vowel backing *e > o (Polish, Sorbian, East Slavic)
  • Mid vowel lowering *e > a (Polish, Sorbian)
  • Yat’ lowering *ě > a (Polish)
  • Yat’ raising *ä > e (Czech, Bulgarian)

The details differ, but two constants remain:

  • The preceding vowel stays soft even if the following vowel is back
  • Front vowels occur if there is something front in the right-hand context

Mid vowel alternations

Table 1: Yatov preglas in Bulgarian
Non-alternating e Non-alternating ’a ’a ~ e
čest ~ česti ‘frequent’ pol’ana ~ pol’ani ‘clearing’ b’al ~ beli ‘white’
oves ~ ovesen ‘oat(y)’ jarъk ~ jarki ‘bright’ r’adъk ~ redki ‘rare’
med ~ meden ‘honey(ed)’ kn’az ~ kn’azi ‘prince’ sn’ag ~ snežen ‘snow(y)’
elen ~ eleni ‘deer’ xil’ada ~ xil’adi ‘thousand’ c’al ~ celi ‘whole’
led ~ leden ‘ice’ ~ ‘icy’ kaf’av ~ kaf’avi ‘brown’ gol’am ~ golemi ‘big’

Why do mid vowel alternations matter?

  • The three-way pattern has been taken as evidence for highly abstract analyses
  • Sequences like [Cʲo Cʲa] are problematic if palatalization always comes from a following front vowel, and need an account
  • The alternations are riddled with exceptions and morphological conditions

Mid vowel alternations in Russian

The basic pattern

Stable e Stable o e ~ ’o alternation
strélɨ ~ strél’bɨ ‘shoot’ t’ótuška ~ t’ót’a ‘aunt’ jel’ ~ jólka ‘fir tree’
b’élɨj ~ b’el’en’kij ‘white’ ved’óm ~ ved’ót’e ‘PRS theme vowel’ sél’sk’ij ~ s’ola ‘village’
v’éra ~ v’ér’it’ ‘believe’ jož ~ jóžɨt’s’a ‘hedgehog’ žónɨ ~ žén’it ‘wife’

That looks like a lot of exceptions!

Some concerns

  • Non-alternating o should lead us to expect underlying /o/, but then why are the preceding consonants soft?
  • ‘Before a soft consonant’ does not quite work, because the immediately following consonant can be (or at least seem) hard in a cluster:
    • č’ért’i ‘devil.PL’ ~ č’órt ‘devil.SG’
    • s’éstr’in ‘sisterly’ ~ s’óstrɨ ‘sisters’
  • We regularly find ’o before consonants softened by an epenthetic vowel: m’ótl-ɨ ‘brooms’, v’ódr-a ‘buckets’ ~ GEN.PL m’ót’el, v’ód’er

Mid vowel alternations and morphology

Table 2: Overapplication of the Russian mid vowel alternation
Regular form Unexpected form Suffix
m’od ‘honey’ m’ód’e LOC.SG
m’órznut ‘freeze’ m’órzl’i PST.PL
m’órzn’i IMP.2SG
p’os ‘dog’ p’ós’ik DIM

The classical analysis

What would Lightner (1965) do?

That’s right! An underlying /ѣ/! (Lightner 1969)

Rule /vēr-ō/ /vēr-ī-tī/ /sĕl-ō/ /sĕl-ĭsk-/
Palatalization vʲērō vʲērʲītʲī sʲĕlō sʲĕlʲĭsk-
ĕ \(\rightarrow\) ŏ / _C sʲŏlō
Vowel shifts vʲera vʲerʲitʲ sʲola sʲelʲsk-

What about morphology?

The initial response is cyclicity

Cycle Rule (mĕd)ŭ (mĕd)ē
First cycle Palatalization mʲĕd mʲĕd
Vowel backing mʲŏd mʲŏd
Second cycle Palatalization mʲŏd+ŭ mʲŏdʲ+ē
Vowel shifts mʲod mʲodʲe

More problematic is vacillation in apparently identical morphological environments:

Basic form Gloss Derived form Gloss
kol’ós-a wheel-PL kol’és-nik ‘wheelwright’
t’en’ót-a mesh-PL t’en’ót-nik ‘spider’
  • The implied cyclic structure is (kŏlĕs-ĭn-īk)ŭ but ((tĕnĕt)-ĭn-īk)ŭ — but why?

A solution: consonant power

Hamilton (1976):

  • Vowel power: soft consonants are derived from following front vowels, not phonemic1 (Lightner 1963; Lightner 1965)
  • Consonant power: traditional approach with phonemic soft consonants, in evidence from the start and through at least Halle (1959)
Russian mid vowel alternation under ‘consonant power’
Rule /ver-a/ /veriti/ /sʲola/ /sʲol-ьsk-/
Palatalization vʲera vʲerʲiti sʲola sʲolʲьsk-
o \(\rightarrow\) e / Cʲ_Cʲ sʲelʲьsk-
Yer fall vʲera vʲerʲitʲ sʲola sʲelʲsk-

The real solution: morphology

Three components of a working solution

  • Face-value underliers: [e] ~ [e] = /e/, [o] ~ [o] = /o/
    • Consonant Power is right in not deriving [Cʲo] from /Ce/, resolving many exceptions
  • The right-hand context is not the softness of the consonant but whether the suffix triggers softening (Itkin 1994; Itkin 2007; Cubberley 2002)
    • Consonant clusters are not an issue
    • Soft consonants before a yer are not an issue: the GEN.PL zero/yer suffix is not softening
  • Focus on morphology over phonology mean we are in a better position to understand the morphosyntactic entanglements in play

Some morphological findings

  • Fronting inflectional suffixes do not trigger front vowels (Table 2)
  • Some of the most productive and semantically trivial suffixes do not trigger front vowels
    • Diminutive -ik (p’ós’-ik ‘dog-DIM’, č’órt’–ik ‘devil-DIM’)
    • Diminutive -en’k (t’ópl’-en’k’-ij ‘warm-DIM’, p’óstr’-en’k’-ij ‘multicoloured-DIM’)
    • Diminutive -ec (šč’ót’-ec ‘bill-DIM’, v’ed’ór-c-e ‘bucket.DIM’)
  • Productive, semantically trivial, creating phonological opacity = Class 2, word-level
  • Semantically nontrivial, phonologically transparent = Class 1, stem-level

Summing up

  • The mid vowel alternation in Russian behaves a lot like stem-level phonology in other languages.1
  • Solutions that rely on morphological structure may not be as circular as argued by their opponents
  • Phonological take-away: less need for abstract URs like /ѣ/ if we need to appeal to morphology to explain whether the alternation happens

The basic mechanics

  • Non-alternating [e] is /e/
  • Non-alternating [o] is /o/ — including in /Cʲo/
  • Alternating [e] ~ [o]:
    • Morphology/lexical insertion provides for choice (not rewrite rule!)
    • [e] chosen before a softening suffix in the same cycle

Mid vowel alternations in Polish

The inventory of alternations

Front mid vowel reflexes in Polish
Common Slavic Front context Back context
*e niesi-e ‘carry-PRS.3SG’ nios-ę ‘carry-PRS.1SG’
sklep ‘shop’
wierz-e ‘faith-LOC.SG’ wiar-a ‘faith-NOM.SG’
chleb ‘bread.NOM.SG’
cześć ‘honour’ pies ‘dog’

The abstract solution

Rule /wær-a/ /wær-ɛ/ /nɛs-ɛ/ /nɛs-ɔ̃/
Palatalization wʲæra wʲærʲɛ nʲɛsʲɛ nʲɛsɔ̃
Pre-coronal backing wʲara nʲɔsɔ̃
Vowel shifts wʲɛrʲɛ nʲɔsɛ̃
Late rules vʲara vʲɛʐɛ ɲɛɕɛ ɲɔsɛ̃

Unlike Russian, taking the back vowel as the UR does not work at all, for at least two reasons:

  • Like in Bulgarian, the existence of non-alternating [Cʲa] rules out /Cʲa/ for wiara: polana ‘clearing’ ~ polanie ‘DAT.SG’
  • Backing is narrowly conditioned by a hard coronal, front is very clearly the elsewhere context

Some problems with the abstract solution

  • Similar issue with consonant clusters: czarny ‘black’ ~ czernić ‘blacken.INF’ (*czerznić), plot-ł-y ‘weave-PST-PL.F’ ~ plet-l-i ‘weave-PST-PL.M’ (*plećli)
  • Massive variation and irregularity within and across lexical items affected
biały biali bielszy bielić ‘white’
blady bladzi bladszy ~ bledszy blednąc ‘pale’

Towards a morphological approach

UR Back context Front context
/bʲal/ biały ‘white.NOM.SG.M’ biali ‘white.NOM.SG.F’
/bʲɛl/ bielić ‘white’
/jɛzʲɔr/ jezioro ‘lake.NOM.SG’ jeziorze ‘lake.LOC.SG’
/jɛzʲɛr/ pojezierze ‘lake district’
  • [ɛ] ~ [ɛ] is underlying /ɛ/
  • [Cʲa] ~ [Cʲa] is underlying /Cʲa/
  • Alternating [ɛ] ~ [ɔ] and alternating [ɛ] ~ [a] is allomorph selection, with [ɛ] chosen before a softening suffix


This flips the directionality of the alternation, but correctly accounts for the fact that analogical levelling removes front alternants over time

NOM.SG LOC.SG 18th century LOC.SG today
siostra siestrze ~ siostrze siostrze
jezioro jezierze ~ jeziorze jeziorze

Extending the framework

Mid vowel alternations in Ukrainian

Item Polish Ukrainian
‘evening.GEN.SG’ wieczoru večora
‘evening.LOC.SG’ wieczorze večor’i
‘supper’ wieczerza večer’a
‘black’ czarny čornɨj
‘blacken’ czernić čorn’itɨ
‘monk’ černec’

Morphological structure and cyclicity

  • Ukrainian and Polish both show so many exceptions as to make a morphological solution almost inevitable1
  • Cyclic effects are stronger in Ukrainian:
    • Inflection: Polish (wieczorz)-e, (nies-ie) but Ukrainian only (večor’)-i
    • Derivation: Polish (czern-i)-ć vs. Ukrainian ((čorn)-i)-

Back to Bulgarian

  • The usual account is this: in items undergoing the [e] ~ [a] alternation1
    • [a] occurs before a syllable with a back vowel, unless the intervening consonant (cluster) is or contains j č ž št žd
    • [a] occurs in a word-final syllable
    • [e] occurs elsewhere, i.e. before a syllable with [i e] or before a postalveolar
  • What is the analysis?

That’s right! Scatton (1975) analyses alternating [’a] as underlying /æ/, which raises to [e] before a syllable with a front vowel or [j]2

Is it the vowels?

If the alternation is triggered by vowels, how do consonants trigger [e]?

Back context Gloss Front context Gloss
m’ára ‘measure’ mér’ъ ‘measure.PRS.1SG’
s’ánka ‘shadown’ zasénčъ ‘overshadow.PRS.1SG’
n’ákoj ‘someone’ néshto ‘something’
kr’ásъk ‘squeak’ krésl’o ‘squeaker’

Is it the consonants?

Could we say that fronting occurs before a soft consonant?

On Monday we saw that consonants before [i e] are considered phonologically hard, but that does not have to follow: all we know is the contrast is neutralized.

Indeed, the usual account in generative phonology is /Ci/ \(\rightarrow\) [Cʲi]: why can’t this be the case for Bulgarian?

Is it morphology?

Noun SG.M SG.F PL Gloss
l’ato leten l’atna letni ‘summer’
v’ara veren v’arna verni ‘faith’
žel’azo železen žel’azna železni ‘iron’
sn’ag snežen snežna snežni ‘snow’
gn’av gneven gnevna gnevni ‘wrath’
cv’at cveten cvetna cvetni ‘colour’
kol’ano kolenen kolenna kolenni ‘knee’


  • Mid vowel alternations used to provide ample support for abstract analyses with absolute neutralization
  • In the present-day languages, they tend to be deeply entwined with morphology
  • Stratal analyses seem to work well in at least some cases, but much more work remains to be done
  • A more surface-oriented analysis that acknowledges the role of morphology is feasible and has some advantages


Cubberley, Paul V. 2002. Russian: A linguistic introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gussmann, Edmund. 1980. Studies in abstract phonology (Linguistic Inquiry Monograph 4). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Gussmann, Edmund. 2007. The phonology of Polish. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Halle, Morris. 1959. The sound pattern of Russian: A linguistic and acoustical investigation. ’s Gravenhage: Mouton.
Hamilton, William S. 1976. Vowel power versus consonant power in Russian morphophonemics. Russian Linguistics 3(1). 1–18. doi:10.1007/BF00177211.
Iosad, Pavel. 2020. Stratal Phonology and Russian morphophonology. Rhema 2020(1). 36–55. doi:10.31862/2500-2953-2020-1-36-55.
Itkin, Il’ya Borisovich. 1994. Eshche raz o cheredovanii \(\sim\) ’o v sovremennom russkom yazȳke. Voprosȳ yazȳkoznaniya 1994/1. 126–133.
Itkin, Il’ya Borisovich. 2007. Russkaya morfonologiya. Moscow: Gnozis.
Lightner, Theodore M. 1963. Preliminary remarks on the morphophonemic component of Polish. Research Laboratory on Electronics quarterly progress report 71, 220–234. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Lightner, Theodore M. 1965. Segmental phonology of Modern Standard Russian. Cambridge, MA: Massachusetts Institue of Technology PhD thesis.
Lightner, Theodore M. 1969. On the alternation \(\sim\) o in Modern Russian. Linguistics 7. 44–69. doi:10.1515/ling.1969.7.54.44.
Polivanova, Anna Konstantinovna. 1976. Morfonologiya russkogo substantivnogo slovoobrazovaniya. Moscow: Moscow State University PhD thesis.
Samilov, Michael. 1964. The phoneme jat’ in Slavic (Slavistic Printings and Reprintings 32). The Hague: Mouton.
Scatton, Ernest A. 1975. Bulgarian phonology. Columbus, OH: Slavica Publishers.